Much like Kratos’ Blades of Chaos, this gave Rygar an impressive range of attacks, and the upgradable shield could grant new abilities. The weapon of choice was the Diskarmor, essentially a shield on a chain. As Rygar, players journeyed around the island of Argus engaging all sorts of mythological threats. Pre-dating the God of War series, Rygar was an update of the arcade and NES title, and included Devil May Cry-style play. If only a game based on a 70s movie would have excited the gaming crowd more.

Add in mini-games for stealing car radios, robbing stores, and spreading your gang’s graffiti tag everywhere, and you’ve got a game that successfully captured the feel of the movie, while expanding on the original story, providing a deeper look at the Warriors themselves.

The journey to that fateful meeting with Riffs leader, Cyrus, was handled by a brawler-style mechanic that let you take on the gang’s various rivals in hand-to-hand combat.

Based on the 70s movie of the same name, The Warriors was a prequel of sorts to the events of the movie, depicting the origins of the titular street gang and looking at each larger-than-life character in more detail. This is another Rockstar outing, which started life on the PSP before being ported to the PS2.