While the mod isn't perfect, it's a cool addition to CAS mode.

This is a feature that EA hasn't really explored yet, aside from height differences between different age groups like babies, toddlers, children, and adults. Also, obvious option is obvious, but must be mentioned: if the colors are being saved after the defaults instead of amongst them, make sure you're scrolling to the right if it's available. The height slider mod is incredible because it introduces actual height differences into the game. When you say, "when I come back it will be gone," what precisely do you mean by "come back"? Switching to a different color, then wanting to go back? Leaving Create-A-Sim and then re-entering to make a new sim? Exiting the game entirely, and coming back a day or so later? Is this only when you're in Create-A-Sim at the start of a game? When you're using the Salon in game? A mirror or a dresser? When you click on the "save to bin" option, are you getting the little pop up window? If it's unique, it will say it's saved, but if there's an existing color, it'll tell you so too (I say this only because I know far too many people who are notorious for not reading the messages). Then you can follow the instructions here to upload. Alpha cc Furniture is for décor your home with classy woods. 20 Best Pet CC & Mods in Sims 4 To Try in 2023. Sims 4 feathers are good to store it in the Shopping list of The Sims 4 Mod. Possibly the best mod yet to come to The Sims 4 - Colour slider to customize your outfits and hair This is not a drill. You want long straight hair, of any color, and bangs that go straight across your forehead hanging in. Screen shots would be to hit "print screen" if you're on a PC (Mac method is escaping my memory at the moment). So, Silver lining in hair or golden hair, every suitable color combination is stick on the Sims 4 hair color wheel.